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My vlogging barrage, continued! This is another “long lost” vlog of a spring break of years last, this time from 2 years ago(!) when Ege “Oha Dude” (please subscribe to his channel, “onefluentmotion”!) and us went to Dominican Republic in a beach resort together! I had 3 times the amount of footage I was expecting, so I dedicated an entire part 1 video (out of originally 2, but now it’s presumably like 8 lol) to us having a water splashing tournament... on just the start of Day 1! 😮 Enjoy, and stay safe. :) Part 2 will hopefully be made in the next day or two. Also check out The AABO Show, where today I am finally posting the birthday vlog for Ali/Burak that we recorded last month!: https://youtu.be/mRTcGP1LnV0
It turns out that I don't have any Acadia National Park Footage that I can find. :/ So instead, once this massive amount of footage is done being edited (I somewhat doubt I'll be able to before the end of spring break), I can spend more hours stuck at home editing another billion parts of Italy trip from spring break of 2019 vlogs (also includes Slovenia, and the Vatican is a separate nation). I honestly think that making a full vlog for my Turks and Caicos summer 2019 trip won't be that difficult to make, since I doubt I have more than maybe 20-25 minutes of footage total which can be easily cut down. Until next time, this is Arca, signing off!
P.S.: Also be sure to check out my friend Ali's blog, which he has recently decided to revive!: https://thisisaliterate.blogspot.com/
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