Hi guys! This is Arca. More than a year has passed since the show Gravity Falls ended. It was an amazing show that had a mystery element to it. The main bad-guy was an Illuminati-shaped demon by the name of Bill Cipher. Today I will be providing a tutorial on how to make your own Bill Cipher using pencils, bendy straws, and paper. It will be a three dimensional pyramid. Materials Needed: Yellow construction paper Black construction paper 4 Bendy Straws White Paper 6 unsharpened Pencils of the same size A black marker A lot of Scotch tape A pen cap Scissors Step-by-Step Tutorial Step 1: Form a pyramid using the pencils and tape it all together, tying it with tape at the intersections. It may take a few tries to get the angles right. It will have a triangle base with three pencils coming out of each corner and meeting at a center point ahead. Step 2: Trace the bottom triangle onto a yellow sheet of paper. Don't worry if the sides are