Well, this post is unusually timed, isn't it? Anyways, I would like to acknowledge my long silence and not posting very often. I assure you that now that school has ended and summer vacation has arrived, this will end... (drumroll please) not now . Why? That is since I am going on a road trip across the Northeast U.S. for a week, and I won't be able to post. The pros to this? Well, Acadia is awesome, and I get to go hiking, camping, and eating lobster-flavored ice cream (yes, that exists in Maine). The cons? I won't be able to blog during a time of a gigantic "posting drought". Meaning that the posts that I expected to be out this weekend (Incredibles 2 movie review and a non-fan Infinity War impressions post) will be delayed until next month, July. So this is my last post of the month. Once July comes around, I will post once a day, just as I have done the previous two summers. See you later, and I promise that this will not be the end of my blog. Just a