Long... have I waited. And now, your coming-together, is your undoing... of being able to continue blogging. Who am I addressing right now? All of my peers who are relieved to stop blogging for life at the end of this project. I may be relieved, but for other reasons. Namely, now I don't have to rush to create a post on a day that I don't feel like it or it was too late, and also I don't have to remember to copy and paste the first paragraph plus a link on my "Edublog" class page so that my classmates get exposure to it and my teacher knows which posts do and don't qualify as Edublogs on this blog this month (in short, it's literally every single post I've put on this blog in March minus literally just one post written and published entirely by my new contributor, Xiang). Basically, if you have been confused throughout this month as to what an "Edublog" is, it's a post on a class blog for my English credit that I'm receiving extra